Iberol´s mission is to be a reference of excellence in all the sectors in which it operates, to achieve and maintain the most demanding standards of Quality, in all its processes and areas of activity, creating value for its shareholders, satisfying the needs of its customers and providing its employees with the development of skills, knowledge, creativity and innovation.
- Constant demand on your work standards and the jobs you receive
- Continuous search to improve results through the unconditional adoption of Kaizen Methodologies
- Be a Catalyst of Change
- Be assertive and aligned with company expectations
- Focus on achieving objectives, tasks, responsibilities
- Be responsible for the development of your work
- Seek proactive resolution of situations
- Fostering Team Spirit – Transversality / eliminating “Thursdays”
- Work as a team in an organized way and make clear decisions for all team members
- Ensuring everyone’s contribution
- Be transparent in the relationship you have with all colleagues
- To be transparent is to be Open, Sincere, Coherent, Ethical and Integrity
Iberol’s Value Chain
The most relevant stages and respective units in the value chain of Iberol’s products, and which it can intervene.
Iberol operates in the stages marked in green.
Risk management
Corporate Risk Management, which encompasses a set of practices for identifying, measuring, treating and reporting the main risks, is an integral part of the focus defined by Iberol’s corporate bodies for all its employees, in line with the good governance practices of the risk, endeavoring in each period of its activity to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements related to the expectations and demands of its different stakeholders.
Iberol has implemented an internal control system for risk management based on a risk assessment that is based on the identification of potential risks, impact assessment, frequency of their occurrence and mechanisms of detection prior to the potential event. The objective is the creation of controls to monitor critical risks, as well as potential risk mitigation actions. This system is applied to commercial management, maintenance, operations, etc., and its mission is to optimize the level of global risk.
Operational risk, which results from the daily operations in the various sectors of the company, is monitored through a set of daily control mechanisms supported by the KaiZen methodology. For each operational area, critical and daily observation KPIs are defined with reference metrics that allow identifying deviations in short periods of time and taking corrective actions. The company has evolved so that the capture and structuring of information is automated, thus reducing the necessary reaction and programming times. Of the practices implemented, the improvement of most operational indicators stands out, with a direct impact on the financial statements, energy efficiency, legal compliance and operating conditions in safety and the well-being of employees.
In terms of compliance, Iberol has defined a policy of control and follow-up in which all services rendered and supplies of products, which are materially relevant, must be scrutinized and contracted, with validation by the legal area, in this case subcontracted to a law firm. , of which there are sustained opinions. The company also implemented a “know your supplier” process that allows assessing the risk of supplier compliance, namely in litigation and tax obligations.
With regard to compliance risks arising in operational areas, the company has, in its Quality, Safety and Environment area, a permanent monitoring of process, quality and environmental risks, the latter having been reinforced by the new framework required by ISO certification. 14001. The Quality Committee is responsible for monitoring compliance with these risks.
Iberol is exposed to a set of risks such as exchange rates, interest rates and credit, so the company’s policy is to seek to minimize possible adverse effects arising from uncertainties in these areas, namely:
- the exchange rate risk management policy is characterized by mitigating the occurrence of negative financial impacts resulting from adverse movements in exchange rates;
- the risk of changes in interest rates;
- in terms of credit risk, it is associated with accounts receivable arising from its commercial activity. This risk is mitigated by the fact that Iberol monitors the market risk of its customers, taking into account their consumption profiles, their history and their ability to pay, the company opting to work with entities of high credit and reputational quality. “Know Your Customer”;
Historic Evolution
Implementation of a 991kWp solar project for self-consumption with the installation of more than 2,400 panels on the roofs, ground and carpark with a production capacity of 1,354 MWh / year
Reorganization of Iberol / Biovegetal Group with the consolidation of all biofuels business in Biovegetal and making Iberol fully focused on agrifood
Iberol obtains authorization from the French State to sell UCOME in France in the 2020/21 period
Tolling agreement signed with Reagro for soybean crushing
Iberol crushes a new oilseed at its production unit, the camelina seed with an oil content rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9
Partnership signed with the TMB Group (Terminal Multiusos do Beato) for the construction, operation and maintenance of a bidirectional conveyor belt for transporting seeds and meals between the river port and its silos
Banif, currently Oitante, acquires the remaining capital still held by the NUTASA Group.
Biovegetal, a company dedicated to the production of biofuels and also wholly owned by one of the funds managed by the venture capital fund management company, ECS Capital, acquires 16.7% of the capital.
Iberol is assigned a share of biodiesel in Spain, being the only Portuguese company and one of the few non-Spanish companies to obtain this important award.
We obtained the ISCC (International Sustainability Carbon Certification) certification for the first time. A lease agreement is signed for part of OZ Energia’s facilities, and a Fiscal Trading Warehouse has been set up in this tankage. Iberol starts exporting biodiesel to Europe, namely to Belgium.
50% of Iberol’s share capital was acquired by a venture capital fund management company, ECS Capital.
During this period, the company made substantial investments in its industrial facilities located in Alhandra, starting the extraction of rapeseed and increasing the production capacity of soybeans.
The SGC Group acquires 50% of the capital at the beginning of the year. In December, Grupo Nutasa reacquires 50% of the capital, selling part of the assets of Iberol to Grupo SGC, namely the facilities where Biovegetal is currently located.
In January 2006, we obtained the NP EN ISO 9001:2000 and NP EN ISO 14001:2004 certifications for the first time. In April 2006, IBEROL completed the construction of its Biodiesel plant in Alhandra, the first of its kind in Portugal, with an installed capacity of 120,000 tons per year. The Transformation Tax Warehouse is obtained. The 1st delivery of biodiesel to Petrogal / GALP is made this year.
The increase in the consumption of soy bagasse, due to the ban on the use of flour of animal origin in animal feed, in 2003, made the soy oil produced in surplus, so exports to North Africa began. At the same time, taking into account European and national legislation on the incorporation of biofuels into fossil fuels used in the transport sector, the group put forward a project to implement a biofuel production unit.
Modernization of the industrial unit, in which the equipment and automation were replaced, with the aim of improving and optimizing the production process and, consequently, leading to a new increase in production.
After the crisis in the oilseed sector between 1993 and 1997, in August 1998, the company was acquired by GRUPO NUTASA, becoming part of one of the largest national industrial groups in the agri-food sector, with a presence throughout its value chain. The group was active in the import, extraction and marketing of soybeans, including the production and sale of compound feed for animals and edible oils.
Strong increase in production and logistics capacity, with new lands being acquired, attached to the existing manufacturing unit, for the construction of storage silos. Also, at the same time, a river terminal was built for loading and unloading, both raw material and flour.
In 1973, it became an entirely Portuguese company, with the departure of foreign capital. Its products were in high demand, mainly soy flour, which is incorporated into meal for animal feed.
IBEROL was incorporated in 1967, at the time with the corporate name of IBEROL – Sociedade Ibérica de Oleaginosas, SARL., by a group of Portuguese, Spanish and American investors. With the acquisition of part of the assets of Companhia Industrial de Alhandra, Iberol’s main objective was to extract oil from soybean seeds and produce the respective flour.